How not to believe the advertisement, or a competent approach to the choice of window products
Advertising is the engine of progress! It is hard to disagree with this opinion, but it is very disappointing when unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers resort to tricks and tricks. Instead of a quality product, they offer cheap models that are far from ideals and can not be compared with well-known brands.
PVC windows are very popular in the modern construction market. Therefore, the Internet is replete with bright and alluring banners with super windows at super prices. Only to the great regret of consumers, such designs lose their "superproperties" in the first winter. At the same time, it is difficult for a person far from the construction industry to determine the quality of plastic profiles by their appearance, falling for the bait of unscrupulous companies.
How to avoid this? How to distinguish a quality PVC window from a cheap design? We asked these questions to be answered by one of the main experts in the field of windows - Roman Pavlovich Krivichev - director of Rehau Partner, an official partner of the Rehau trademark in Moscow and the region.
- Roman Pavlovich, in recent years, cheap and poor-quality PVC windows are found on the market that disappoint their owners in the first years of use. Tell me, please, what is the main difference between real windows and cheap analogs?
- At first glance, it’s hard to determine such a difference. As a result, customers notice and feel all the “charms” of cheap designs not on the first day, but only with the onset of cold weather. As a rule, cheap and low-quality material is used for cheap PVC windows: thin profile walls, “lightweight” reinforcement, Chinese fittings, unreliable sealant. As a result, the window turns into a “lightweight” design with an unreliable connection. Such windows are “draft profiles” associated with disposable or temporary products. Only unscrupulous companies, which do not value their customers and absolutely do not value their reputation, offer cheap.
- But does a modern person who seeks comfort and coziness pay attention to such low-grade structures?
- The homeowner, of course, will not deliberately acquire such low-quality PVC windows in his apartment. But the construction organization, which is trying to save on everything, installs “lightweight” structures in new buildings. As a result, the lucky owners of new apartments must immediately replace them. There are cases when unscrupulous window companies give cheap plastic windows for quality products, again resorting to vibrant advertising and various promotions, deceiving their customers and making profit at their expense.
- How not to fall for the bait of such companies? What to look for when choosing a responsible manufacturer and seller of windows?
- It's no secret that everyone can make a mistake. Therefore, I advise buyers of plastic windows to be very strict about choosing a window company. It is important to pay attention to the age of the organization and its rating in the market. Thanks to the Internet, you can view reviews and company information. The presence of certificates and diplomas will confirm the quality of the products offered. Do not trust bright and flashy advertising. You should only contact a trusted manufacturer who has managed to establish itself in the market.
- That is, you should buy only expensive designs from bona fide companies, excluding the use of cheap PVC windows?
- Why? Cheap windows can be used. Only install them should be somewhere in Turkey or in Africa. They are ideal for warm climates, where there is no frost and the installation of warm windows is not required. In our latitudes, winters require a special approach to the insulation of apartments, they make us resort only to high-quality constructions. As you know, real windows cannot be cheap. And to provide such designs can only companies responsible for the quality of their products.
- Are the “lightweight" PVC constructions so bad that they require immediate replacement when purchasing an apartment in a new building? As a rule, new settlers plan to do major repairs only a couple of years after the delivery of the house.
- Replacing windows in a new building is a personal decision of the owner of the apartment. However, it should be remembered that the use of cheap and low-quality materials in the manufacture of “lightweight” constructions necessarily entails problems such as drafts and heat loss from the premises, skewing of the flaps and difficulties in opening and closing them, the formation of mold and fungus on the structures. As a result, not only the coziness and comfort in the apartment, but also the health of its inhabitants suffers.
Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of models of plastic windows, which are of high quality, stylish design and affordable prices. I note that every year new designs are being developed that successfully combine the best characteristics of past models and the latest advances in window technology. As an example, I want to cite the novelty of 2019 developed by the German concern Rehau, the profile system of Rehau Grazio. The basic information about it is presented in the picture below from the website of our company “Rehau Partner”.

This is not the only profile model that deserves special attention. I want to note that only correctly selected window construction will allow you to make your home the most cozy and comfortable for many years at low cost.
- What requirements should be presented when choosing plastic windows?
- I have already talked about the quality of the material and the reliability of the design. Therefore, I will now focus on the requirements that should be made when choosing PVC windows in your home. Of course, each homeowner can be guided by personal preferences, but there are a number of generally accepted standards for window structures:
- excellent light transmission;
- good heat and sound insulation;
- reliability and ease of use;
- stylish design and attractive appearance;
- durability.
Turning to the windows in proven and reliable companies, you can definitely choose the perfect design for your home, taking into account all the requirements and wishes.
- What can the manufacturer save in the manufacture of PVC windows?
- A conscientious manufacturer of real plastic windows offers only quality products that fully comply with all standards and requirements. Therefore, talking about savings in this case is simply inappropriate. Only unscrupulous companies that are willing to profit from gullible customers can save on the quality of their products.
- There is an opinion that cheap windows not only ruin gullible customers, but also dangerous to use. What can you say about this?
- If you mean that cheap plastic profiles are made from hazardous materials that are harmful to health, then this is not so. For their production, safe plastic with thin external walls and the same unreliable reinforcement are used. As a result, the fittings are poorly fixed, often fail, forming gaps in the structure, causing drafts.
Due to the fragility of the material, the general geometry of the structure is violated: the flaps sag, and the window itself fails. Thin material significantly reduces the build-up and the strength of the frame joints in the corners, causing cracks in the weld. The result of such shortcomings is the low “life expectancy” of a cheap plastic window. This is the main danger of cheap PVC windows.
- Thank you very much, Roman Pavlovich, for the informative and interesting conversation. We are sure that our readers will not believe in beautiful promises, but will only trust trusted and conscientious companies. This will avoid a number of errors when choosing PVC window constructions.
“Nice to be of service.” Our company will help you decide on the choice of standard designs or windows made according to individual projects, select and install high-quality and reliable fittings, offer various decoration options.
Remember that only high-quality windows will please you for many years!