Flowers for the bedroom: valuable recommendations for landscaping the room (23 photos)

The plants that decorate the house are able to give the room more comfort. In addition, many indoor flowers come with real help. Remembering also the ancient doctrine of “Feng Shui” and considering plants as carriers or sources of a certain energy, it becomes clear that this is not just decor or a cute hobby. Ikebans, herbaria and artificial flowers carry a negative in themselves, so the monastery needs to be decorated with “live” energy.

Aloe in the bedroom

White flowers for the bedroom

When choosing “green friends”, first of all, people think about which flowers can be kept in the bedroom and which cannot be placed in any case. The easiest and most reliable way is to place plants in the house that can clean our environment, form an extremely favorable climate within at least one house.

Bonsai in the bedroom

Indoor flowers for the bedroom

Geranium in the bedroom

The main types of domestic plants

Choosing the best plant for the bedroom, you should first study the main types of indoor flowers. It is believed that each "green friend" has special energy qualities, in a special way not only affecting the physiology of a person, but also on his energy status. Given this feature, all plants for the home can be divided into the following categories:

  • Donors
  • Vampires;
  • Amulets;
  • Space cleaners;
  • Neutral
  • Stupefying;
  • Poisonous.

In fact, the same flower can belong to several categories at once. Unfavorable combinations lead to the fact that flowers cannot be kept in the bedroom, in the child’s room or in the office.

Chlorophytum in the bedroom

The godfather Rowley in the bedroom

Basic recommendations for the selection of indoor plants

When choosing which flowers can be placed in the bedroom, it is important to find out the necessary information about the type you like. It is necessary to determine whether at night the plant emits more oxygen or, on the contrary, absorbs it. Some representatives of indoor flowering plants may be poisonous or act as aggressive allergens.

The bedroom is the place where the person is most vulnerable. During sleep, he must relax, plunge into a deep sleep, fully restore his strength. Given these features, not all plants can be kept in the bedroom.

It is worth refraining from buying an unknown species, an excessively exotic flower. The stupefying, emitting unpleasant aromas of the plant will prevent a good rest and can significantly worsen the well-being of a person.

You should not have too many pots and flowerpots in the room, turning the sleeping location into a pseudo greenhouse. According to Feng Shui practices, only healthy flowers with stable energy are suitable for boudoirs. They grow slowly, rarely bloom, harmoniously fit into the interior.

Also, do not bring artificial flowers into the room. This decor is a relic of the past. It literally attracts dust and makes the interior cheap and tasteless. Artificial flowers are a taboo for modern interior compositions.

Laurel for the bedroom

Arrowroot for the bedroom

Ideal plants for the bedroom

Favorable flowers in the bedroom in Feng Shui act as active objects that have a direct impact on the energy of the house itself, as well as the energy status of each of the inhabitants of the house.So that even properly selected plants exude the correct good power, their condition must be monitored. Flowers suitable for the bedroom should be well-groomed, healthy.

Sick green friends can rot, turn yellow, take the wrong shape. These negative transformations advise on everything that surrounds them. Consider the main types, the most favorable and interesting, emphasizing the cozy design of the bedroom, as well as improving the well-being of each of the tenants of the apartment.

Ivy in the bedroom

Curly flowers in the bedroom


Aloe is a houseplant, which is especially appreciated as a healing component for the treatment of many ailments. A pot with a real "healer" can be put in a bedroom or a children's room. It will contribute to a good microclimate.

Aloe is known to absorb up to 90% of formaldehyde. Not very high-quality products from particleboard can release these toxic substances into the air, which are extremely dangerous for human health. The unique plant absorbs not only dangerous toxic substances, but also significantly reduces the level of carbon dioxide in the air, and actively synthesizes oxygen in the daytime. If such a flower is installed on the windowsill of the room, there will always be a special clean and pleasant air.

It must be remembered that aloe is a very "modest" plant. It does not like excessive attention to itself. The task of the owners of the house is to place pots with aloe so that they are not visible to everyone.
In principle, the secluded atmosphere of the boudoir will protect the delicate "green friends" from excessive excitement. It is believed that by placing aloe in the bedroom or in the children's room, you can protect the inhabitants of the house from accidents, remove the negative electrification of the air.

Palm tree in the bedroom

Fern in the bedroom

Uzambar violet

Indoor plants for the bedroom can be not only medicinal, but also very beautiful. Of particular note is the Uzambara violet. Such a spectacular plant will emphasize the design of the bedroom, but will not bring discord into the calm or relaxing atmosphere of the boudoir.

It is believed that a beautiful flower is able to influence the psycho-emotional state of people. It is curious that these flowers for the bedroom, depending on the color, can affect the consciousness or well-being of the inhabitants of the house in different ways:

  1. White flowers are able to regulate strong feelings, passions subside, psycho-emotional tension is minimized. By placing a violet over the bed in the bedroom, a person can protect himself from nervous breakdowns, reduce the level of excitement, which brings significant discomfort;
  2. Violet inflorescences contribute to the formation of spiritual unity in the family. Violet will help to neutralize the largest flows of negative energy.

Red or pink flowers will suit people who lack joy. Purple indoor flowers for the bedroom will help to reveal a person’s special talent - to enjoy communicating with people, to get a sense of satisfaction from the work done.

Flowers on the windowsill in the bedroom

Flowers in a hanging pot in the bedroom


Spatifillumi - the best indoor plants for the bedroom of those locations that are located in industrial areas. Harmful substances can enter the apartment through the opening of a window or window. A green friend neutralizes acetone, ammonia, benzene, xylene. It is believed that it is spathiphyllum that is capable of giving a person a calm and long sleep.

Shade-loving and unpretentious plants are excellent producers of oxygen at any time of the day. The plant can even moisten the air, which allows you to better relax. It is recommended to put 2-3 spathiphyllum in the bedroom. By the way, the "lily of the world" is considered a traditional female flower that brings happiness to girls.


Chlorophytum or “spider” is appreciated for its unpretentiousness, beautiful aesthetic appearance, and relevance in any interior. Indoor flower copes well with harmful chemical compounds, nitrogen oxides. The level of emissions from electromagnetic devices is reduced.Only 4 indoor flowers can clean an area of ​​10-15 square meters.

The air is moisturized, sanitized, becoming more fresh. Some experts recommend adding activated carbon to flower pots. This simple technique allows several times to enhance the positive effect of chlorophytum.

Sansevieria in the bedroom


Flowers in the bedroom interior play a secondary role, however spectacular flowering always delights and attracts the eye. Geranium pots are suitable for any room. This bright beautiful flower is able to neutralize staphylococci and streptococci. Phytoncides, which the plant produces, help a person calm down, quickly cope with the negative effects of stress, overcome insomnia.

Geranium is very useful for women. The flower acts in a special way on the hormonal background. However, no matter what type of geranium the owners of the house choose, it is important to remember that beautiful flowering can be the culprit in the development of allergies.

Pelargonium is a generator of negative ions that enhance human health. It is believed that geranium effectively eliminates headaches, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system.

Spathiphyllum in the bedroom

Succulents in the bedroom


Considering the issue of which indoor flowers can be placed directly near the berth, it is worth paying attention to the so-called "classic" plants for the home. Home Laurel is considered one of the best types of home "green friends" that helps normalize sleep.

Since ancient times, laurel branches were placed at the head of cribs so that the child slept soundly and calmly. The plant cleans the air, favorably affects the human nervous system, eliminates migraines and cephalgia, improves brain activity.

Shady flowers for the bedroom

Uzambara violet in the bedroom

What house plants are better to refuse?

Earlier it was mentioned which flowers should not be placed in the bedroom. In order to fully navigate in this matter, it is worth considering several illustrative examples:

  • Artificial flowers personify dead energy. This is an extremely negative element of home decoration. It is not surprising that many associate artificial flowers exclusively with cemetery decor;
  • Dieffenbachia is a spectacular tropical resident, which many love for its original leaf color and unpretentiousness. A houseplant is even able to sanitize indoor air, but poisonous juice makes it unsuitable for keeping in apartments where there are small children and pets;
  • All types of lilies absorb too much oxygen at night. In addition, an excessively large amount of released carbon dioxide in combination with an obsessive intoxicating aroma leads to the development of a headache;
  • Orchids are excluded from the bedroom for the same reason as lilies. Their aroma is too intrusive, and oxygen consumption is too large. Moreover, an orchid is considered a poor plant for other locations. It is believed that it exudes negative energy, and is also an energy vampire.

The list of which plants can be brought into the house, and which can be admired outside the walls of the home, can be continued indefinitely. The main rule is this: any flower you like must first be studied, to find out maximum useful information about it, and only then decorate your home with a "green novelty".

Zamioculcas in the bedroom

Green corner in the bedroom

Jasmine in the bedroom

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