Equip a room for a child of 6-8 years old

A children's room is not just a kid’s relaxation area. This is his first personal space, the first field for creativity and implementation, the main playground and his own world. At the age of 6-8 years, children make important discoveries - is it worth saying that the design of this room should be thought out in detail?

Design for children 6-8 years old

Priority design principles for a child’s room

Regardless of the gender of the child, the basic rules should always apply to the layout and design of the nursery:

  • the materials used at every stage, from painting the walls to the placement of decorative elements, must strictly comply with sanitary standards and be environmentally friendly;
  • maximum comfort and minimal trauma in everything - the guarantee of countless happy hours spent by the baby in the nursery;
  • the more light there is in the room, the more positive and cheerful the child will be - this applies both to natural lighting and when planning the placement of artificial light sources;
  • the design of a room for a child of 6-8 years old implies the use of bright and saturated colors in the interior - this will have a beneficial effect on the development of the imagination and creative abilities of the baby, provided that the colors used are not aggressive and caustic.

Room for a child 6-8 years old

Room for a child 6-8 years old

Room for a child 6-8 years old

Children's layout for a child 6-8 years old

The age of a visit to the first class, the first serious hobbies, the active development of reading and writing skills determines the layout by itself - the recreation area and the work and play area should be clearly distinguished and maximally functional. Here are some practical tips:

  1. The working part of the nursery should be fully illuminated and take into account the individual characteristics of the baby: height (and therefore the height of the table and chair), working hand (right-handed or left-handed), etc.
  2. At the age of 6-8, the child is surrounded by a mass of his own subjects: textbooks and manuals, toys and materials for creativity, favorite books and first collections. All this requires storage space. Instead of cluttering up free space with shelves and cabinets, it is better to purchase a complex design that includes a workplace, space for creative studies, and ergonomic storage niches.
  3. If the children's area is very limited, then its design should be based on the desire to use every half a meter of space: you can mount a cabinet in the niche under the windowsill, in the gap between the bed and the dresser you can put a bright box for storing toys, etc.

Children's for a child of 6-8 years old

Children's for a child of 6-8 years old

Children's for a child of 6-8 years old

Expert Advice

Pediatricians and children's psychologists emphasize that the design of the space in which the baby grows directly affects the pace and quality of development of his abilities, the formation of the psyche and emotional intelligence. Therefore, their recommendations should definitely be considered when repairing and decorating a nursery:

  1. For the room of a boy of 6-8 years old, the most organic are the pure, natural colors of cold shades - traditional blue and cyan, variations of gray and white, colors of greenery, violet and ultramarine. The harmonious combination of the use of these colors in the design of walls, windows and floors, as well as furniture selected in accordance with this, contribute to the favorable formation of a little man.
  2. Girls aged 6-8 years gravitate to warm shades (the whole gamut of pink yellow and beige) and unobtrusive prints (small flowers, floral motifs, traditional “girlish” images) - a room designed according to these principles will become the basis for the full development of the little princess.
  3. Taking into account the interests, inclinations and preferences of the child in the planning and design of the room is a competent way to educate a harmonious personality.Encouraging a child to embrace activities of interest to him will unlock the baby’s potential, diversify his worldview, and maybe even decide on a life’s business! Therefore, in a children's girl who is fond of dancing, it is worth placing a large mirror and a music center; an assiduous child who likes to spend his free time mastering crafts must certainly equip a functional and ergonomic workplace for creativity; The nerdy kid needs convenient ways to store his books and films - so that he can reach them and easily put things in order in the collection.

Decoration for children 6-8 years old

Decoration for children 6-8 years old

Decoration for children 6-8 years old

Good decorating techniques

If everything is in order with functionality and color solutions, then it's time to move on to the most interesting stage of design work in the nursery - decoration. Filling the kid’s room with correctly selected details will give the interior completeness and create coziness.

  • bright rugs are not only excellent accessories, but also a way to make the room softer in the literal and figurative senses;
  • painting walls with safe acrylic paints is an opportunity to make a nursery emphasized individual, applying the desired motifs, patterns or inscriptions;
  • hanging decorative elements (figures, stars, flowers, vehicles, etc.) strung on a fishing line and hanging from the ceiling make the room voluminous and “lively” - kids love these accessories!

Design for children 6-8 years old

Design for children 6-8 years old

Summing up the issue of designing a nursery for children aged 6-8 years, it is worth saying that the trends of stylistic trends should never overshadow the main aspects - child safety, complete comfort of wakefulness and relaxation, plenty of light and maximum functionality of each square centimeter. The nursery, designed with all these principles in mind, contributes a lot to a truly happy childhood!

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