Flower cleoma in the garden: color fireworks in the garden (21 photos)

An unusual and very beautiful garden flower Cleome will perfectly decorate a summer cottage, complementing it with tenderness and color. An interesting flower shape, reminiscent of a firework explosion, despite the clear lines, looks almost weightless.

Initially, the Cleome plant originated in South America, but today it is found in almost all corners of the globe. Biologists know up to 70 species of this hardy and unpretentious flower, which have found their attention from local exterior designers.

White cleoma

Cleoma has an erect green stalk up to 1.5 meters high. The upper part is decorated with an unusual inflorescence, the petals of which, like splashes of fireworks, are held in the air above the surface of the flower. Hues range from white to deep pink.

White-pink Cleoma

Cleoma champagne spray

The plant is very strong and persistent, it tolerates bad weather, rain and strong winds, however it is an annual and blooms only once - from June to September. Many gardeners manage to achieve long-term flowering, however, this requires proper care and protection from winter frosts.

Plant features

Cleoma leaves vary in size depending on the location on the stem, so the smallest are in its upper part, and large ones are closer to the root. There are hard spikes at the base of the leaves, and the leaves themselves are covered with thorns. That is why the flower has another popular name - prickly cleoma.

Cleome's bloom

Cleoma in the country

The most famous varieties of prickly cleoma are considered to be:

  • Cherry Queen. The plant is strewn with fragrant flowers on long pedicels;
  • Helen Campbell. Cleoma with white flowers;
  • Rozakenigin. Soft pink plant with fragrant flowers;
  • Golden sparkler. One of the smallest varieties of Cleoma, many even refer to it as dwarf, but the flowers on it grow of an unusual yellow color;
  • Pink Queen or Rose Queen. As the name implies, the flowers of this variety are distinguished by a variety of pink shades;
  • Sparkler lavender. The name of this variety is dictated by the unprecedented similarity of the shade of flowers with lavender flowers - light purple cleoma;
  • Violet Queen. Cleoma of this variety is decorated with violet, sometimes even ink flowers, which makes it a bright accent on the plot;
  • Giant Pink Chiusen. This variety has the largest flowers of pink and dark pink hue.

If you look very closely at an unusual plant, you can see that its entire surface is covered with small hairs that secrete a very aromatic juice. Thanks to this pleasant smell, the atmosphere of the rainforest is created in the garden. The garden with glue is fragrant all summer for the joy of its owners.

Cleoma in front of the house

Purple cleoma

Growing Cleome from Seeds

After the cleoma fades, on the stem appear boxes with black and yellow seeds. They are very easy to assemble and can be used for re-planting. The glue is planted either in spring or in advance closer to winter.

The most popular method of propagation of this decorative flower is the planting of Cleoma in the open ground. For this, seedlings are first prepared, which, after the last frost, is placed in the ground. The soil for kleoma requires a neutral, but fertile. It is better to avoid excessive humidity and particularly wet areas, you can place glue on a sunny area, where it will appear in all its splendor.

Cleoma in the open ground


Seed Growing and Seedling Care

In order for the plant to grow healthy and strong, the whole growing order should be observed, and it is worth starting with planting seeds for seedlings. The process of seedling formation consists of the following steps:

  1. Prepare the soil, which will include 2 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of humus and 1 part of sand.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into wooden boxes, in which seedlings will then be placed.
  3. Seeds should be sown to a depth of a centimeter.
  4. After sowing, the soil is better treated with compost, it will safely affect the health of the sprouts, which will appear in a couple of weeks.
  5. Boxes with seedlings after the end of all procedures should be placed in a bright room, you can even equip additional lighting.
  6. Provide regular watering and wait for the first shoots.

To speed up the process of seedling emergence, the seeds can be processed before planting with special compounds that are sold in large flower shops. Seeds after this treatment are resistant to various adverse factors.

You can dive seedlings only after the sprouts have gained strength and thrown out the first leaves. Each bush should be transplanted into separate containers, pre-filled with a mixture of peat and humus. In individual jars, the plant begins to grow as quickly as possible, however, it still requires regular top dressing, which is best done once every two weeks.


Flowerbed with Cleome

Cleoma prickly

After the seedlings take root firmly enough, watering can be made rarer, but still plentiful. You can water it with a solution of potassium permanganate, this will avoid the occurrence of unwanted diseases.

As already mentioned, for planting Cleoma in open ground, a sunny spot and fertile soil are chosen. To do this, after the last frost, somewhere in May, a place is chosen in the garden, some gardeners even flavor it with complex fertilizer, which will benefit not only cleome, but also neighboring plants.

Cleoma in landscape design

Cleomera feeding

Cleome planting

Seedlings are planted according to the scheme 40 to 50. The bushes planted in this way will bloom profusely, brightly, luxuriantly, and will not interfere with their brothers. After the cleoma is planted in the garden, watering should be reduced to a minimum, the soil should not be over-moistened - cleoma loves dry land.

Pink cleoma

Cleoma in the garden

Garden Cleoma

Cleoma in the garden

Today, landscape designers plant glue as a separate element of the garden, or in combination with other flowers. Very often you can find a combination of pink fireworks with fragrant tobacco and lavater.

Bright fireworks of white, pink, sometimes even yellow color, interestingly dilute the general atmosphere of the garden, complementing it with the tenderness of their unusual flowers, and the stiffness of persistent leaves.

Cleome care

Growing Cleoma

Yellow cleoma

The large growth of the stems of the cleome allows you to use it as a background for complex compositions or as a hedge. It is extremely pleasant to be surrounded by such a plant - it will not only give a shadow, but also fill the air with a pleasant aroma.

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