Orthopedic pillow-cushion: features of a healthy sleep (63 photos)

A cushion-shaped pillow provides complete relaxation of the shoulder muscles during sleep. This is due to the uniform distribution of body weight. An orthopedic pillow-roller, when putting it under the head, improves blood circulation in the arms and neck, reduces headaches, and normalizes sleep. Such an object is very good to use for people whose work is connected with a sedentary lifestyle. It is also good to put a roller under the neck or lower back for a comfortable body position. For swelling or cramping of the legs, it is desirable that the pillow-roller for the bed is under the knees, which prevents varicose veins.

Satin cushion pillow

Velvet cushion pillow

Satin cushion pillow

Velvet cushion pillow

Pillow Cushion Beige

White cushion pillow

Pillow Cushion Black and White

Classic pillow cushion

Color cushion pillow

Insomnia, pain in the neck and head may well arise from the wrong pillow. Lush pillows have a negative effect on the condition of the upper spine, so a long, solid pillow-cushion should replace the classic pillow. Only she will not allow the deflection of the thoracic spine, acting as a support for the neck.

White cushion pillow

Pillow Cushion with Flowers

Pillow cushion in the nursery

Cushion cushion sofa

Pillow Cushion Long

Pillow cushion on a double bed

Pillow cushion under the head

Throw pillows

The decorative pillow-cushion is used in any room of the house, in the place where there is a sofa. Product configurations can have the most diverse: straight cylindrical, "bone", "horseshoe" and many other types.

Cushion cushions for the sofa are not only used to fit under the upper spine, lower back or head. The product can be used as supports for elbows or legs. The scope of decorative pillow-cushions depends on the imagination of their owner. Sofa cushion-roller must certainly be combined in color with the colors of the sofa.

Classic cushion cushion

Throw pillow

Blue cushion pillow

Pillow cushion in the living room

Checkered Roller Pillow

Brown pillow cushion

Leather cushion

Special Fillers

Manufacturers have turned the pillow-roller into a real remedy. A pillow-roller for sleeping can have many different fillers. The most common filler is buckwheat husk, an inexpensive and environmentally friendly material. In addition, the pillow-roller for sleeping can be filled with polyurethane foam, latex and many other materials. Increasingly, you can find products with a memory effect, able to adapt to the contours of the body and provide additional back support. Women are happy to use pillow-rolls for the neck with a cooling effect, which, according to manufacturers, prolong youth.

Baby cushion

Roller for the nursery

Pillow roller red

Pillow cushion on the bed

Linen cushion pillow

Pillow Roller Modern

Pillow cushion with the inscription

Pillow cushion with pillowcase

Plain cushion pillow

The choice

Since the orthopedic pillow-roller is designed to rest on its side, the height of the roller should correspond to the distance from the beginning of the neck to the end of the shoulder. Other factors affect the comfortable position of the body during sleep:

  • pillow-roller filler;
  • hardness and other characteristics of the mattress;
  • body weight;
  • favorite dream positions.

When choosing, lie on a pillow-roller, as the elasticity and volume of the product are individual for each person. If in the supine position there is complete relaxation of the neck and shoulders, then the pillow fits perfectly. It should be borne in mind that the pillow-roller for the neck should not be squeezed under the weight of a person. As a result of a well-chosen pillow-roller, a person wakes up with a pleasant feeling of lightness throughout his body and in a good mood.

Sofa roll

Eco style roller

Pillow roller orange Pillow roller orange

Orthopedic pillow cushion

Armrest cushion

Pillow cushion

Striped cushion pillow

The use of cushions for children

The use of a pillow in the form of a roller for children is of great importance.It makes it possible for a small child to sleep on its side and plays the role of a support for the weak muscles of the baby. Funny children's pillow-cushions are made in the form of various animals: kitties, dogs, cubs. They are pleasant to the touch and have colorful bright colors.


The cushion roll does not require special care. The removable cover needs to be washed from time to time manually or on a washing machine. It is recommended to dry the pillow in the form of a roller in a ventilated area, away from hot batteries and avoiding sun exposure. Do not resort to dry cleaning so that chemicals do not soak the product filler and do not cause allergies.

Roller under the head

Cotton Pillow

Cushion cushion in the hallway

Pillow cushion with print

Provence style cushion cushion

How to sew a pillow-roller?

On how to make a pillow-roller yourself, on the Internet you can see many workshops with step-by-step instructions. Do-it-yourself pillow-roller is made quite easily. Cut out the details, sew a pillowcase, fill with filler, add buttons and cords. The manufacturing process requires:

  • foam roller;
  • batting and thin material of rare weaving for a tight fit of foam rubber;
  • fabric for pillowcases;
  • threads matching in color;
  • two large buttons or tassels;
  • lace for edging;
  • zipper;
  • sewing machine.

All the necessary accessories can be purchased in specialized stores that sell fabrics and various accessories.

Country Style Roller Pillow

Cushion Roller with Pattern

Pink cushion

Pillow cushion in the bedroom

Pillow Roller with Stitch

Pillow ottoman roll

Pillow Cushion with Pattern

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of fabric from which the pillowcase is sewn. Typically, velor, tapestry, satin and other materials are used for this purpose. The color is selected to your taste, taking into account the interior of the room. The sides of the pillow-roller are decorated with details that can be combined in color or, conversely, be contrasted.

Plaid Pillow

Linen cushion

There are several ways to sew a pillow-roller. The most common is the manufacture of three parts: the main element in the form of a rectangle and two side parts. In order for the pillowcase to perfectly fit the pillow, it is necessary to take measurements very carefully.

Synthetic filler cushion

Foot Cushion

Pillow Velor Roller

Pillow cushion with embroidery

Pillow roller green

In addition to hard foam, a pillow-roller under the head can be made of soft batting. For this, the material is rolled up to the desired diameter and wrapped tightly with gauze or other material with rare weaving.

Striped cushion pillow

Provence-style cushion roll

An interesting version of pillowcases for pillows is a pillowcase "candy". A foam cloth is wrapped in a large canvas of rectangular-shaped fabric, tied together with ribbons on the sides and the pillow becomes like a big candy.

Neck Pillow

Dog Cushion Pillow

It’s nice to make a decorative pillow-roller for any purpose with your children. The imagination of children is limitless, and they will certainly bring unusual ideas into the design of such an object needed for home.

Bedroom cushion

Pillows-cushions are made for those who care about their health and the health of loved ones, especially children. Original multifunctional pillow-cushions for sleeping will help to cope with the problems of the upper spine, upper and lower extremities, eliminate headaches, normalize sleep and prevent some diseases. They do not require special care and favorably complement the interior of the room, being an original decoration.

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