Loft - a combination of space and imagination
Loft is a fairly modern style that is gaining popularity recently. Its slogan is "Fresh air and no partitions." It is a style for creative, modern and free-spirited people. In nature, he is very similar to minimalism, but gives a person a wider scope for imagination, ideas and designs. Perhaps that is why many people choose it for themselves.
Style features
From English, “loft” translates as attic or apartment upstairs. In America, in the 40s, production began to move outside the cities, so the vacated warehouses, abandoned factories, workshops began to be equipped for living quarters. Most often, such premises were occupied by people of creative professions, where they spent not only personal time, but also their exhibitions, presentations. When rents went up, these premises began to be occupied by richer people: businessmen, politicians, bankers. And they brought new details, expensive furniture, decor and equipment to the interior. It is from this time that the loft in the interior begins to enter into fashion. Now the loft is a combination of new and old in the interior. From the old, original form of the premises must be left beamsconcrete or brick walls, pipes, ventilation systems. And to all this add modern metal and chrome parts, the latest household appliances and furniture novelties. The loft style room has high ceilings, large windows, free space, plenty of light and no partitions. In general, a loft-style apartment is one large room in which rooms are separated by different methods zoning. Separate rooms, ideally, are only a bathroom and a bedroom. Loft is suitable for people without complexes, who can express their feelings and desires, who love space and freedom of movement.
Loft style living room
The living room is the most spacious room in the house, especially in the loft style. The interior of such a living room It should consist of large windows, wooden floors, high ceilings and rough walls. The main element of the living room must be a large roomy sofa made of leather or expensive dense textiles. The sofa can be both light shades and color, a bright accent in the room. It is desirable that it be trendy and modern. He should stand in the middle of the living room, not adjacent to the walls. The rest of the room is built around the sofa. For example, the interior can be supplemented with several comfortable chairs, ottomans and beautiful a coffee table. There should not be any cabinets or other piles. Niches in the walls, open shelves or glass shelves can be used for decor, books and other small things.
Loft style kitchen
Usually a little space is allocated for a kitchen in such an interior. It is rather a space for cooking fast food. Kitchen furniture is located in one of the corners of the living room. At the same time, these two rooms can be divided by modern bar counter with glass goblets and chrome shelves for them. The kitchen area must have a large amount of glass, chrome, simple dishes, a minimum number of kitchen utensils and, of course, high-tech equipment: a dishwasher, a trendy stove, an oven or a coffee machine.In addition, the loft implies the presence in the kitchen of various combinations of glass and concrete, for example, a glass apron of the working area on a common concrete wall can be an interesting solution. A massive hood that mimics the appearance of old ventilation pipes can emphasize the industrial character of the interior.
Loft style bedroom
The bedroom is a more intimate room in the house, so it should be separated from the rest of the space by an opaque partition. It can be frosted glass, curtains, a screen or even an ordinary wall. When decorating the walls, it is best to leave one of them brick or concrete, and the rest painted in plain, calm colors, which will soften the space and make the room more comfortable. For the bedroom, a modern bed in a minimalist style, made of wood or metal, is suitable. Well, if it will be provided with sliding wardrobes for things, which will avoid the use of cabinets in the room. The head of the bed can be classic, but it is more convenient if it has open niches for books and other items. If a cabinet is still necessary, then a built-in cabinet in the entire wall is ideal, which does not stand out as a separate piece of furniture and is completely invisible against the general background. An excellent option would be a cabinet from the ceiling to the floor with mirrored doors that add extra space to the space.
Loft bathroom
It is in the bathroom that style can reach its zenith. Here, in large quantities, the main elements of the style should be present: concrete, steel, glass, chrome. If the bathroom is a separate room, then it is separated from the rest of the space by ordinary walls. If the bathroom is adjacent to the bedroom, then you can separate these two rooms with the help of a glass partition, which allows you to make the space unified. But the owners of such a bathroom should be people without complexes, as their personal space will be completely open. Floors and walls in the bathroom are usually tiled in monochrome colors, often a combination of white and black is used. Both the shower cabin and the large bathtub are ideal for the loft style. If a shower cabin, then concrete partitions for it look very interesting. Concrete itself can be mosaic. If a freestanding bathroom is used, then it can be made of stone or wood, which emphasizes the individuality of style. The sink can be either trendy with faucets made of stainless steel or steel, or made in retro style with massive gilt faucets.
Loft style hallway
The entrance hall is the room that allows you to add up the first and last impression of the home. From the hallway begins familiarity with the home. Therefore, the interior of the hallway must be carefully thought out. Most often, the loft style assumes the presence of a bright plain entrance hall. The decoration uses black, white and gray colors. An invisible sliding wardrobe can be located here, the doors of which are made of glass or coated with gloss to expand the space. On one of the walls there may be brickwork traditional for a loft. In addition, a large mirror can become the main element of the hallway. Moreover, the frame can be either simple or massive. From furniture, comfortable ottomans of various shapes and colors can be used. For clothes, it’s also convenient to use hangers of bizarre shapes suitable for the interior.
Loft style nursery
Children's room is a special place in any home. It is very important that the child is cozy and comfortable in his room, so that he can study and relax here, spend his personal time and meet guests. Since the loft style implies the presence of rough walls and floors, you can dilute the interior with bright colors. For example, install a fancy-shaped sofa or comfortable bean bags in bright colors, where you can arrange guests. An unusual place for a child to become an unusual glass chair, which is suspended from the ceiling. At the same time, it can still be made movable using a beam on the ceiling. At the same time, the bed and the desk should be of the simplest forms and calm colors. A bright spot in the nursery can also be a rug in the center of the room or an art object on the wall.
Loft style balcony
The ideal solution for the loft style is a balcony combined with the rest of the space. To do this, the balcony needs to be insulated and glazed. It uses the same techniques and finishing materials as in the rest of the rooms. The windows on the balcony should be large. For their decor, you can use blinds. On the windowsills set flowers in the slides. In addition, in accordance with the basic idea of the interior, you need to choose lighting. At the same time, you can create a room that is suitable for those people who live here. For example, if the owners are people of creative professions, then on the balcony you can arrange an art workshop with easels and shelves for the necessary things. You can create a cozy study on the balcony by installing an ultramodern computer on a wide windowsill. If on the balcony they prefer to just spend time with a pleasant conversation, then from the windowsill you can make a bar counter of stone, put comfortable chairs and create niches for storing a few dishes, and under the bar counter - wine cabinets. Now designers even manage to take out part of the bedroom or kitchen onto the balcony, reorganizing the space.This technique looks very interesting, fresh and fashionable.
Loft style provides for comfortable, functional expensive furniture. But it is desirable to dilute modern forms and models with rare details. For example, next to an trendy sofa you can set a vintage coffee table. When placing furniture, you need to understand that the walls must remain open, you can safely walk along them. In addition, furniture will be used for zoning the space. A sofa or bookcase is perfect for separating one space from another. Please note that there should not be cabinets in the room. All things in this room are stored in various niches or cabinets built into the walls. For example, you can use the space under the stairs and build drawers there. As well as in the loft style, furniture on wheels is often used, which allows you to change the interior according to your mood and move zones. You can separate the zones of the room among themselves not only with furniture, but also with various screens, glass partitions, color transitions, curtains.
Decoration Materials
In order to create a loft style in the interior, you can not use any special finishing materials.
- You just need to leave the old wooden floor, which should be slightly updated with a layer of varnish. If the floor is concrete, it can be left as such or laid parquet board.
- From the walls you need to remove the old wallpaper and leave the brick or concrete. However, you can apply a layer of rough plaster. In addition, you can recreate the brickwork using the appropriate wallpaper.
- The ceilings should be white, even, without additional structures or plasterboard piles. The only exception is the ceiling with wooden beamsthat was originally indoors.
Today, many manufacturers of modern finishing materials have entire series devoted to the loft style. This wallpaper and plaster, and special types of flooring. Therefore, it will not be difficult to create a style even in an ordinary apartment or a country house.
Optional accessories
The most important requirement is of course the expensive latest technology and equipment. TV, hob, oven, fireplace, chandeliers, plumbing - everything should be modern and technological. Preferably with lots of chrome details. In addition, the loft style is distinguished by interesting and unusual details and accessories. This can be black and white photographs in the usual framework, posters, posters. If the interior contains paintings by contemporary artists, they are simply placed on the floor, leaning against the wall. Textiles are used so that they competently fit the general style of the room. The main thing is not to use textiles on windows. They should be as open as possible so that the light freely enters the room. The maximum that can be used on windows is various types of blinds. Textiles can be interestingly combined with glass, leather or wood. All interior details should be similar in spirit to its owner. These are the things that he uses, which he loves and which reflect his personality. The loft style is one of the most democratic modern styles. The main thing in it is to withstand free space and a large amount of light, and the rest of the loft provides unlimited opportunities for imagination and freedom of thoughts and desires.