Contemporary ceiling design in the living room
Modern trends in the world of interior and design of residential premises are taken as the basis for creating a composition of all the planes of the room to be equipped. No less important role is assigned to the floor and to the interpretation than to the walls.
In order to determine what the ceiling should look like in a modern living room, it is necessary to highlight the main fashion trends that prevail today.
Popular interior styles for the living room
The popularity of various interior styles depends on many factors. Each style has its own style, which can manifest itself after several decades, having undergone some changes. This year, the main stylistic trends of the 20s are the basis for creating an individual interior. Execution can be both component and integral.
Eclecticism is the main trump card of interior design in the framework of modernity. Of particular importance is the creation of a clearly thought out space and a laconic combination of a decorative style with minimalistic design trends.
A new round of popularity with eco-stylistics, which is no longer an independent type of interior, but interacting. Particularly relevant is the combination of eco-style with democratic contemporary.
Antiquity returns to the list of popular interior styles in a timely manner. The lack of texture in leading styles forces us to turn to classic and monumental varieties of decoration. However, antiquity is introduced as the final element. The general construction of the plot of the interior is entirely borrowed from the English style - restraint, authority, consistency.
Ethnic styles are of little use for the formed modern idea of the interior of residential premises. But the vivid expressive forms and decorative elements of ethnicity can be used as a replacement for antique accents.
All types of living room ceiling cladding
The ceiling plane of space has much more functions than just cladding and the location of lighting fixtures. First of all, the ceiling part should logically complement the existing interior. Given the current trends in creating an individual interior for a living room, a visual increase in space is important, as well as antique or ethnic types of decoration.
The second most important function that the ceiling performs is sequential division of space into zones. Living room a room often presupposes the location of several types of functional zones, and modern stylistic directions require a large space and smooth transitions. The only way to recreate the “chameleon” interior composition in the four corners is to highlight the zones using the ceiling lining.
The best types of cladding
When choosing a type of ceiling lining, it is important to consider the functional tasks that the ceiling must fulfill in a modern living room. The living room, which has a large quadrature, requires the correct location of a number of lighting fixtures. The first problem that needs to be solved is masking communications.
Modern design styles, which have grown on the trends of minimalism and classics, require thorough work on preparing the planes for cladding. The ceiling should not have irregularities and flaws, which are often found in multi-storey building slabs.
Based on engineering requirements, and referring to trends in the world of interior, a list of the best types of ceiling cladding is formed:
Stretch ceiling. A universal type of cladding that meets all the requirements of our time.Convenient design allows you to mask irregularities and wiring. An unlimited choice of color and texture makes it possible to use stretch ceilings for all types of interior, without exception. Glossy surfaces, thanks to reflective abilities, visually increase the space. The ability to replace the canvas when changing the interior in the living room completes a number of advantages.
Wood panels and beams. The contemporary and eco-style are complemented by wooden ceiling coverings. Eco-friendly, aesthetically attractive material, allows you to create suspended structures that adjust the plane of the ceiling. Mandatory airspace between the plane and the coating will provide a place for wiring and communications, as well as serve as a heat and sound insulation layer. The material is used as primary or secondary, in the form of decoration. Active accents for the modern ceiling in the living room can be done using natural or decorative beams.
Plasterboard constructions. Alternative or complementary option for suspended ceilings. Using drywall, you can hide flaws and install any lighting equipment. The texture of drywall allows you to clad it with any material: staining, wallpaper coverings or plaster. The main advantage of drywall constructions is the ability to create different levels of ceilings for the living room. With the help of the difference in levels, various zones are distinguished, illumination lighting is located. Modern designers use drywall constructions as an addition to suspended ceilings, creating a seamless composition on the ceiling plane.
Facing of a gypsum plasterboard ceiling is carried out only after completion of alignment and masking of communications.
Facing materials for drywall constructions:
- Painting is the most popular method of facing drywall, especially when it comes to combined drywall constructions with suspended ceilings. Using high-quality paint you can achieve a deep color and a uniform texture. Ceiling works are carried out before wall and floor cladding.
- Wallpaper coverings are less often used for external cladding of drywall, but are generally applicable if the chosen style of interior requires a “ceiling capture” (ceiling capture * - a type of facing and decorative work in which part of the ceiling is faced with the same materials as the walls without highlighting the transition ) or special emphasis. But more effective emphasis on the ceiling of the room will help additional decor.
The main decoration of the ceiling is a chandelier or other types of lighting devices. But in the stylistic directions that are used for the modern living room, decorative accents using stucco and murals are relevant.
Stucco molding. Embossed decorations are used to emphasize, emphasize the entire plane or a separate part. The main decorative element is moldings - shelf plinths, installed around the perimeter to highlight the zone. Natural stucco molding is used to apply a textured pattern to the ceiling in any of the classic styles.
Frescoes. An elite decoration that defines classic. Murals are applied both integrally and in a single area. The best option for ceiling murals is wet plaster painting, but, of course, imitations are inferior in price - wallpaper with murals and films with a textured pattern.
Not recommended
There are types of decoration and decoration that are not widespread in the design of the ceilings of modern living rooms. The reason for this was a number of individual characteristics of each of the materials, as well as the stylistic preferences of our time.
Suspended ceiling. Panel suspended ceilings, which are often used for office premises, have a convenient design that allows the precise replacement of worn parts, as well as masking communications.But this type of ceiling cladding, with a limited range of colors in white and gray tones and a straightforward shape, with divisions into squares, is very official and simple in order to decorate and complement the interior of a residential building.
Casetones. Polyester foam boards imitating stucco work have no advantages as a material. They are used for little budget cosmetic repairs. The appearance of such a finishing material gives out cheapness.
Stucco and leveling with mixtures. Plaster, as the main material for the facing of the ceiling, requires a number of works on preparing and leveling the plane, moreover, it does not provide structures for hidden wiring. The deep texture of the material creates dimming and glare, distorting the appearance of the ceiling.
Staining. Staining always highlights the existing imperfections of the ceiling, so the same preparatory work as for plastering is required for staining. For modern ceilings, this most inexpensive method is used only as a supplement or if there is no need to install a disguise for wiring.
Whatever the interior, the completeness of the composition requires proper lighting. Modern rooms are designed taking into account a number of rules:
- lighting of the working area or perimeter with the help of spotlights for a large area is required;
- mandatory central lighting;
- if the living room has two or more zones, logically separated from each other, the central lighting should be in each separately.
Lighting is always thought out based on the requirements of space, its shape and division into functional parts. But, the above rules must be implemented in any of the cases.
Most often, spotlights are used that are conveniently masked into the ceiling cavity. The traditional use of the chandelier is fully compensated by correctly arranged rows of spotlights and outstanding ceiling decoration.
The design of lighting fixtures for modern living rooms increasingly has futuristic or minimalistic features. A chandelier always brings cosiness and complements the composition, acting not only as a lighting fixture, but also as an element of decor. The use of metal elements and textiles is encouraged.
For stretch ceilings and multi-level structures, lighting is often used. With the help of conventional or colored lighting, the individual decorative planes give the main decorative accent.