Do-it-yourself rug

Do-it-yourself rug Chao rug

“Ciao” ​​is a friendly word meaning “hello” and “goodbye” in Italian. It is ideal to greet guests as they come and say goodbye when they leave. And this word is the best suited for the design of the door mat.

Choose materials

  1. transparent plastic with a solid surface (27 inches wide - this is 68.58 centimeters);
  2. thick white heavy rope - ¼ inches wide (6.35 millimeters);
  3. thick black heavy rope - ¼ inches wide (6.35 millimeters);
  4. thick black heavy rope - 3/8 inches wide (9.52 mm);
  5. thick black heavy rope - 5/8 inches wide (1.58 centimeters);
  6. durable double-sided carpet tape;
  7. scissors, ruler;
  8. printer, copy paper;
  9. transparent adhesive tape;
  10. carpet glue.
Necessary materials

Step 1

Type ciao in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or another word processor. Print the document. Cut the plastic into a wide rectangle: height is about 40 centimeters and length is 70.

Place the plastic rectangle “face” down on the word “ciao” printed on paper and sweep your hand several times on the surface of the plastic. Thus, the word from the paper is printed on the plastic. Carefully peel off the plastic rectangle by lifting it around the right corner. Turn it over and you will see the printed letters through the transparent layer.

Printed word on plastic

Step 2

Cut a piece of double-sided carpet tape so long as to cover the printed letters and stick it on the plastic letter rectangle. The double-sided tape is very sticky and in order to get it evenly stick it from the center to the edges.

Circle the white rope

Step 3

Lay the white rope on the adhesive tape along the lines of the printed letters.

Circle the white rope

Step 4

After laying out the letters with a white rope, use the 3/8 inch (9.52 mm) black rope to circle the letters. And for the space between the letters, use a black ¼ inch rope (6.35 millimeters). It is advisable that as few rope cuts as possible, try to keep it as continuous as possible.

Circle the black rope

Step 5

After the letters are completely surrounded by a black rope, pour special glue on the carpet tape and the entire plastic rectangle that remains around the letters. And continue laying out the black rope. But already 5/8 inches (1.58 centimeters). Spread to the outer edges of the plastic rectangle. By the way, if you wish, you can make the entire carpet with a 3/8 inch (9.52 mm) rope, this is also beautiful.

Step 6

If necessary, stick the protruding parts of the rope inward on either side of the mat, so as to form an oval shape as a whole. After that, make another turn with the rope, this will complete the form.

Final touches

Step 7

Cut off excess plastic rectangle. And you're done! It remains only to place your stylish rug in front of the door and have fun meeting and seeing off guests.

The mat is ready