fashionable kitchen

Aprons for the kitchen 2019

Well-chosen material for a kitchen apron can save the most ordinary interior. In fact, a kitchen apron in interior design is the same subtle nuance as textiles. And so as not to make a mistake with him, collect all the materials that are in your kitchen - samples of facades, countertops, wallpaper, painting walls, flooring - and already guided by these stocks, proceed to choose the apron itself. The furniture also plays a large role - a dining table with chairs, lamps, decor elements. And only when you have a complete picture of the kitchen interior, can you safely proceed to the concept of an apron. But first answer yourself a series of questions. What effect do you want to achieve: make the apron an accent or leave it invisible? If you still have an accent, then how exactly: with the help of material or color? knows a few great examples of harmonious interaction between an apron and a kitchen and is happy to share them with you.
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Focus on invoice

When you want something special without using bright shades, rely on the original texture. And even if it’s not so easy to wash such aprons, the wow effect is worth it! In confirmation of this gorgeous examples in the photo.

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In the spotlight

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